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DIR Est - Congestions observatory

To enhance communication about traffic conditions and traffic management on the A31 and A33 highways in Lorraine, DIR Est initiated the creation of a "Congestion Observatory" in early 2022. This observatory aims to provide precise, real-time information on road conditions to users while improving safety and traffic management. 


The establishment of this observatory depends on a crucial preliminary phase involving data conversion into a database, where data quality and completeness are essential prerequisites for producing accurate and high-quality reports. 


DIR Est turned to Neovya for a solution that includes an automated calculation tool with a user interface (UI). This tool is designed to extract, analyze, and aggregate data over time and space, and to correct it if necessary, in order to generate reliable traffic indicators. 

As part of the development of the congestion observatory, Neovya was consulted for its expertise to create an automated web application capable of processing counting and travel time data. With Neovya Hubsim, this data has been converted into clear maps, defective Bluetooth beacons have been identified, and traffic indicators have been deeply detailed.

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The DIR Est (Interdepartmental Directorate of Roads of the East) is a French entity responsible for the management, maintenance, and operation of national roads and non-toll highways in the eastern region of France. It ensures the safety and fluidity of road traffic by conducting maintenance operations, responding to incidents, and monitoring the state of infrastructure. The DIR Est plays a crucial role in coordinating roadworks and implementing measures to optimize traffic conditions and reduce congestion.

Neovya Mobility by Technologyis a software editor of mobility simulation and modelling. We cover diagnosis, planning and optimization of all means of transportation. Founded by mobility and software experts, we work together towards a greener transportation system.


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